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Les préprints les plus récents sont en tête de liste. | Most recent preprints are listed first. |
Préprints de l'année courante |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 1999 | 1998 | 1997 |
Current Year Preprints |
Octobre | 1999 | October |
The self-enrichment of galactic halo globular clusters: a clue to their formation ? L'auto-enrichissement chimique : une clé du processus de formation des amas globulaires du halo galactique ? |
G. Parmentier, E. Jehin, P. Magain, C. Neuforge, A. Noels and A. Thoul |
To be published in: Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Septembre | 1999 | September |
Time delay measurements at the NOT Délai temporel calculé au NOT. |
Jens Hjorth, Ingunn Burud, Andreas 0. Jaunsen, Michael I. Andersen, Heidi Korhonen, Jacob W. Clasen and Roy Østensen |
To be published in: the proceedings of the conference held in Boston 25-30 July, 1999: gravitational lensing: recent progress and future goals. |
Deconvolving Spectra: Near-IR Spectroscopy of the Lens and Source in HE 1104-1805. Déconvolution de spectres: spectroscopie en infrarouge proche de la lentille et de la source dans HE 1104-1805. |
F. Courbin, C. Lidman, G. Meylan and P.Magain |
To be published in: the proceedings of the conference held in Boston 25-30 July, 1999: gravitational lensing: recent progress and future goals. |
Deconvolving spectra of lensing galaxies, QSO hosts, and more... Déconvolution de spectres de galaxies lentilles, de galaxies hôtes et autre. |
F. Courbin, P.Magain, S. Sohy, C. Lidman and G. Meylan |
To be published in: ESO-Messenger |
Août | 1999 | August |
A method for spatial deconvolution of spectra. Méthode de déconvolution de spectres. |
F. Courbin, P.Magain, M. Kirkove and S. Sohy |
To be published in: Astrophysical Journal. |
Mars | 1999 | March |
Decay of the GRB 990123 Optical Afterglow: Implications for the Fireball Model Courbe de lumière de la contrepartie optique du flach gamma GRB 990123: Implication pour le modèle "boule de feu" |
Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, María Rosa Zapatero-Osorio, Nicola Caon, Luz Marina Cairós, Jens Hjorth, Holger Pedersen, Michael I. Andersen, Javier Gorosabel, Corrado Bartolini, Adriano Guarnieri, Adalberto Piccioni, Filippo Frontera, Nicola Masetti, Eliana Palazzi, Elena Pian, Jochen Greiner, Rene Hudec, Ram Sagar, A. K. Pandey, V. Mohan, R. K. S. Yadav, Nilakshi, Gunnlaugur Björnsson, Páll Jakobsson, Ingunn Burud, Frederic Courbin, Gaetano Valentini, Anna Piersimoni, Jesús Aceituno, Luz María Montoya, Santos Pedraz, Roland Gredel, Charles F. Claver, Travis A. Rector, James E. Rhoads, Fabian Walter, Jürgen Ott, Hans Hippelein, Victor Sánchez-Béjar, Carlos Gutiérrez, Alejandro Oscoz, Jin Zhu, Jiansheng Chen, Haotong Zhang, Jianyan Wei, Aiying Zhou, Sergei Guziy, Aleksei Shlyapnikov, John Heise, Enrico Costa, Marco Feroci and Luigi Piro |
To be published in: Science (Embargoed for Release, 25 MARCH 1999) |
About the origin of extinction in the gravitational lens system MG J0414+0534. De l'origine du rougissement dans le mirage gravitationnel MG J0414+0534 |
M.-C. Angonin-Willaime, C. Vanderriest, F. Courbin, I. Burud, P. Magain and F. Rigaut |
To be published in: Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Février | 1999 | February |
POX 186: the ultracompact Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy reveals its nature La galaxie naine bleue ultracompacte POX 186 révèle sa nature. |
V. Doublier, D. Kunth, F. Courbin and P. Magain |
To be published in: Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Janvier | 1999 | January |
The redshift of the gravitationally lensed radio source PKS 1830-211 "Redshift" de l'anneau d'Einstein PKS 1830-211. |
C. Lidman, F. Courbin, G. Meylan, T. J. Broadhurst, B. Frye and W.J.W. Welch |
To be published in: Astrophysical Journal |
The orientation within the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud of nebulae ejected by massive stars. L'orientation dans la Galaxie et le Grand Nuage de Magellan des nébuleuses éjectées par les étoiles massives. |
D. Hutsemékers |
To be published in: Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Préprints de l'année courante |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 1999 | 1998 | 1997 |
Current Year Preprints |
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