P35 |
January 1999
To be published in:
Astrophysical Journal
The redshift of the gravitationally lensed radio source PKS&1830-211+
C. Lidman1,
F. Courbin2,3,
G. Meylan4,
T. J. Broadhurst5,
B. Frye5,
W.J.W. Welch5
1 European Southern Observatory, Casilla 19001, Santiago 19, Chile
2 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium
3 URA 173 CNRS-DAEC, Observatoire de Paris, F-92195 Meudon Principal Cédex, France
4 European Southern Observatory,Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
5 Berkeley Astronomy Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 U.S.A.
+ Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile (ESO Program 61.B-0413)
We report on the spectroscopic identification and the long awaited
redshift measurement of the heavily obscured, gravitationally lensed
radio source PKS 1830-211, which was first observed as a radio
Einstein ring. The NE component of the doubly imaged core is
identified, in our infrared spectrum covering the wavelength range
m, as an impressively
reddened quasar at z = 2.507 ± 0.002.
The mass contained within the Einstein ring radius is
M(r < 2.1h-1Kpc) = 6.3 × 1010h-1M
M = 1
or M(r < 2.4h-1Kpc) = 7.4 × 1010h-1M
M = 0.3.
Our redshift measurement, together with the recently
measured time delay (Lovell et al. 1998),
means that we are a step closer to
determining H0 from this lens.
Converting the time delay intoH0
by using existing models leads to high values of the Hubble
M = 1 and
M = 0.3. Since
the lensing galaxy
lies very close to the center of the lensed ring, improving the error
bars on H0 will require not only a more precise
time delay measurement, but also very precise astrometry of the whole
observations - gravitational lensing - infrared -- quasar: individual (PKS 1830-211)
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Processing of Gravitational Lenses" Page
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