What Happens to the Gas in Globular Clusters ? |
Abstract |
Observations of globular clusters show that they contain much too little gas
or dust, compared to what should be present due to the mass-losing stars in
the cluster. Many authors have been intrigued by the fate of the gas in
globular clusters. They have suggested various mechanisms by which the gas
could escape from the cluster, such as stellar UV radiation,
cluster winds driven by X-ray bursters, novae, or flare-stars, relativistic
winds from millisecond pulsars, condensation into stars,
accretion processes drawing upon a central gas reservoir, continuous sweeping
of the cluster gas by the gaseous medium of the Galactic halo...
Recent results also show that globular cluster stars show many abundance
anomalies. Accretion of interstellar gas by the cluster
stars has been suggested as a plausible mechanism to explain these anomalies.
It is also a major ingredient of the EASE scenario
linking halo field stars to globular clusters, which we have recently
developed to explain strong r-and s-elements correlations in halo
field dwarf stars.
We have explored the mechanisms of gas and dust accretion
onto main sequence stars in globular clusters.
Table of contents |
1. Fate of the gas in globular
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Many attempts have been made to detect intracluster gas or dust in
globular clusters. Apart from a few exceptions, most of them
explained by other effects (such as foreground contamination), there has been
so far little success at finding positive measurements (Roberts 1988).
However, as recently pointed out by Knapp al. (1996)
escape velocities have often been overestimated so that the clusters observed
were in fact too weakly bound to be able to retain their gas anyway.
Knapp et al. (1996)
have searched for the presence of ionized gas in six clusters,
which they selected because of their high escape velocities. They did not
detect any gas, but they point out that if the gas flows out of the cluster
via a wind rather than accumulating in the cluster center in the form of a
reservoir, the remaining amount of gas in the cluster would be below their
detection limits.
On the other hand, there is now strong observational and theoretical
evidence that stars reaching the asymptotic giant branch lose a large
amount of mass.
The apparent discrepancy between the predicted amount of gas
in globular clusters and observations has led to a number of papers on
possible mechanisms responsible for gas removal in globular clusters
(Scott and Rose 1975, Faulkner and Freeman 1977,
VandenBerg and Faulkner 1977, VandenBerg 1978, Scott and Durisen 1978,
Faulkner 1984, Faulkner and Coleman 1984, Smith 1996). These mechanisms include
stellar UV radiation,
cluster winds driven by X-ray bursters, novae, or flare-stars, relativistic
winds from millisecond pulsars, condensation into stars,
accretion processes drawing upon a central gas reservoir, continuous sweeping
of the cluster gas by the gaseous medium of the Galactic halo...
Stellar ejecta in globular clusters with shallow potential wells can leave
the cluster via a smooth wind-like outflow.
Faulkner and Freeman (1977) and VandenBerg and Faulkner (1977)
find steady-state time-independent flow solutions
in clusters of 105 M.
However, they show that in globular clusters
with deep enough potential wells, the gas can accumulate into the cluster,
forming a central reservoir with a radius comparable to the globular
cluster core radius. Faulkner and Coleman (1984) show that a small number of
low-velocity low-mass stars in the cluster center can in this case accrete
enough matter to form
10 M
black holes.
All those studies looked at what happens in present-day globular clusters.
Smith (1996) addressed the
question to see if such winds might have been possible within young globular
clusters, during epochs of much higher stellar mass-loss rates.
He shows that many globular clusters have high enough escape velocities
to retain at least some of the stellar ejecta. A substantial amount of
intracluster material could have been acquired when the turn-off
mass was about 5 M
In less tightly bound clusters, the stellar
ejecta is lost from the cluster either stochastically or through a
continuous wind. It has been suggested by a number of authors that if indeed
the gas and dust ejected by the cluster's intermediate-mass stars can in some
cases be retained in the cluster, this gas could be accreted by other cluster
stars, producing anomalies in the surface chemical abundances.
2. Accretion processes onto globular
cluster stars
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We have examined in detail three possible accretion mechanisms in
globular clusters. These mechanisms are the accretion from a central
reservoir of gas, from a wind, and during close encounters between a
mass-losing AGB star and a main sequence star.
Smith (1996) has shown that accretion from a wind is much less efficient than
accretion from a central reservoir. The main reason for this result is that
the accretion rate is proportional to the gas density, which is in the first
case several orders of magnitude lower than in the second case.
We have recently examined the accretion during close encounters, taking
into account the probability of such encounters during the life of a main
sequence star in a cluster. We find that the total accretion is, on average,
very small (Ledent 2000).
Of course, some stars could accrete a large amount of gas if their
orbit keeps them close to mass-losing AGB stars for a long time.
However, accretion from a central reservoir of gas is a much more promissing
mechanism to "absorb" the gas ejected by stars in globular clusters.
Our preliminary results show that, in some cases, a large fraction of
the ejected gas could be re-accreted by the other cluster stars
(Thoul et al. 2000). This could
explain some abundance anomalies observed in globular clusters. It also
supports the EASE scenario, developed to explain some strange abundance
correlations between s-process elements and
-elements in halo field stars (Jehin et al. 1999).
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A. Thoul is a Chercheur Qualifié au Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium). This work has been supported by the Pôle d'Attraction Interuniversitaire P4/05 (SSTC, Belgium) and by FRFC F6/15-OL-F63 (FNRS, Belgium).
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Faulkner, D.J. and Freeman, K.C., 1977, ApJ 211, 77
Faulkner, D.J., 1984, MNRAS 206, 109
Faulkner, D.J., and Coleman, C.S., 1984, MNRAS 206, 121
Jehin, E., Magain, P., Neuforge, C., Noels, A., Parmentier, G.,
Thoul, A.A., 1999, AA 341, 241
Knapp, G.R., Gunn, J.E., Bowers, P.F., Vasquez Poritz J.F., 1996,
ApJ 462, 231
Ledent, G., 2000, Master's Thesis, Li\`ege University, Belgium
Roberts, M.S., 1988, in the Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular
Cluster Systems in Galaxies, IAU Symposium 126, ed. J.E. Grindlay and
A.G. Davis Philip (Dordrecht, Kluwer), p.411
Scott, E.H. and Rose, W.K., 1975, ApJ 197, 147
Scott, E.H., and Durisen, R.H., 1978, ApJ 222, 612
Smith, G.H., 1996, PASP 108, 176
VandenBerg, D.A., and Faulkner, D.J., 1977, ApJ 218, 415
VandenBerg, D.A., 1978, ApJ 224, 394
Thoul, A., Jorissen, A., Goriely, S., Jehin, E., Magain, P., Noels, A.,
and Parmentier, G., 2000, in Proceedings of the 35th Liège
International Astrophysical Colloquium: "The Galactic Halo: From
Globular Clusters to Field Stars", ed. A. Noels, P. Magain, D. Caro,
E. Jehin, G. Parmentier, and A. Thoul.
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