Index - ... - The survey characteristics - Scientific Goals - Simulations (1/3) - ...
3. Scientific Goals
The unrivaled sensitivity and good point-spread function of XMM
will open a new era for X-ray large-scale structure studies.
Some 1000 times more sensitive than the REFLEX survey - the largest cluster
survey over a single area to date (Böhringer et al 2001) - the XMM-LSS
survey is designed to probe the large scale distribution of clusters of
galaxies out to z ~ 1 and of QSOs much further out. This will provide
unprecedented insight onto LSS formation and, thus, cosmology. We will be
able to probe the nature and amount of dark matter, the initial fluctuation
spectrum and other fundamental cosmological parameters.

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Constraints upon the cosmological parameters
m and
8 (the amplitude of mass
fluctuations on 8 h-1 Mpc scale) for a
CDM universe. Cluster abundance data
provides strong constraints upon the
m -
8 combination.
Constraints upon the cosmological parameters
m and
(the shape of the power spectrum)
for a CDM universe.
The correlation function is a powerful tool to constrain the shape of
the initial spectrum.
Solid lines: XMM-LSS cluster counts - Dashed lines: correlation function.
In each case, the 68%, 90% and 95% confidence level contours are
shown along with the assumed model (cross).
These calculations have been performed assuming that only the redshifts
over the [0<z<1] x [64 deg2] volume are available.
(Predictions from Refregier et al., 2001.)
In addition, identification of a "Coma-type" cluster within the XMM-LSS
over the redshift range 1.5 < z < 2 has a probability of
~ 6.5 10-7 in the current
scenario. Therefore, any such discoveries in the survey would put
the currently favoured cosmological model in great observational difficulty.
The primary science goals are:
Map the large scale structures as outlined by clusters and groups of
galaxies out to a redshift of 1. This will reveal the topology of the
spatial distribution of deep potential wells at truly cosmological
Compute the correlation function of clusters of galaxies in two redshift
bins 0 < z < 0.5, 0.5 < z < 1.
This will be the first determination of the cluster correlation
function at high z.
Map the spatial distribution of AGN/QSO within the cosmic web as outlined
by the cluster/group population. This will lead to a better
understanding of the origin of AGN in terms of the initial density
perturbation, galaxy interactions and will provide a window into the
the effect of gravitational lensing on QSO properties.
Compute the correlation function of QSO/AGN with a high degree of
Investigate the existence of X-ray bright (i.e. massive) clusters of
galaxies between 1 < z < 2.
Study the combined X-ray/optical evolutionary properties of clusters
and QSO.
Compare the cosmic web inferred from X-rays with the mass distribution
determined by the galaxy distribution and the associated weak lensing
survey in the optical. This will provide crucial information about
bias mechanism as a function of redshift.
With the associated Sunyaev-Zel'dovich survey, it will be possible to
measure the Hubble constant at a much higher degree of accuracy and
study in detail the low density, external part of clusters.
The dense QSO X-ray population will provide a unique grid for further
QSO absorption line studies and will allow a detailed investigation
of the distribution, size and properties of absorbing intergalactic
Index - ... - The survey characteristics - Scientific Goals - Simulations (1/3) - ...
Web Pages : Alain Detal, Oct 2001.