First Images
First XMM pointings of the survey obtained during the Guaranteed Time part
of the programme owned by the Liège/Milano/Saclay groups.
produced by I. Valtchanov, Saclay)

Size of the image has been reduced by 1/2. Click on the image
to see it at full size (961x700).
This preliminary mosaic in true X-ray colours is a fraction of the central
deeper 2 sq.deg. area; red: soft sources (<2 keV), blue: hard sources
(>2 keV). The individual images have a diameter of 25' and the
exposure time is 20 ks on each field.

Size of the image has been reduced by 1/2. Click on the image
to see it at full size (1010x738).
Same image in the [0.5-2] keV band. The source density is found to be
~ 600 / deg2.
(Valtchanov et al 2002, in preparation).
[Based on observations obtained with the XMM-Newton observatory, an ESA
science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA
Member States and the USA (NASA).]
Web Pages : Alain Detal, Jan 2003.