P98 |
November 2004
To be published in:
ASP Conference Series
New colliding wind massive binaries
M. De Becker1 and
G. Rauw1,*
1 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Allée du 6 Août, Bât B5c, B-4000 Liège (Sart Tilman), Belgium
* Research Associate FNRS, Belgium
We report on the recent discovery of two new massive binary systems:
WR 20a and Cyg OB2 #8A. For both systems, we briefly
present the orbital solutions and we discuss the strong phase-locked
line profile variability of the H
4686 lines for WR 20a,
and the HeII
4686 line in the case
of Cyg OB2 #8A. In both cases, we show that the profile
variability reveals a signature of a wind interaction. The prospects
for future high-energy observations are also discussed.
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