P7 |
May 1997
To be published in:
The Messenger
High resolution imaging with bad seeing:
PKS 1610-771 as a test case.
F. Courbin1,2 and
J.-F. Claeskens1,*
1 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium
2 URA 173 CNRS-DAEC, Observatoire de Paris, F-92195 Meudon Principal cedex, France
* Aspirant FNRS, Belgium
In a previous issue of the ESO Messenger (Courbin et al,
1996), we presented NTT sub-arcsecond images of the luminous quasar
PKS 1610-771, together with its spectrum. The analysis of the data
(see also Courbin et al, 1997) leads to the plausible conclusion that
the quasar is heavily obscured by dust.
PKS 1610-771 has recently been observed in the infra-red,
but under much poorer seeing conditions (final frame with a FWHM of
1.66"). We use these data to derive the infra-red photometry of
the quasar and also to detect the IR counterparts of the faint fuzzy
objects surrounding the QSO, which were originally discovered in the
optical. This is achieved by using the new deconvolution and
co-addition algorithm developed by Magain et al (1997a,b) to combine 6
individual K' images.
Since the high resolution optical images of PKS 1610-771
can provide a check of the co-addition results, we use these data as
an example to present a new way of improving spatial resolution, based
on the simultaneous deconvolution of several images of the same field.
A complete HTML version is available on the
Processing: Deconvolution" Page
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