P62 |
December 2000
To be published in:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Confirmation of the existence of coherent orientations of quasar
polarization vectors on cosmological scales+.
D. Hutsemékers1,2,* and
H. Lamy2
1 European Southern Observatory, Casilla 19001, Santiago, Chile
2 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium
* Chercheur Qualifié FNRS, Belgium
+ Based in part on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (ESO, La Silla)
In order to verify the existence of coherent orientations of
quasar polarization vectors on very large scales, we have
obtained new polarization measurements for a sample of quasars
located in a given region of the three-dimensional Universe,
where the range of polarization position angles was predicted
in advance. For this new sample, the hypothesis of uniform
distribution of polarization position angles may be rejected
at the 1.8% significance level on the basis of a simple binomial
test. This result provides an independant confirmation of the
existence of alignments of quasar polarization vectors on very
large scales. In total, out of 29 polarized quasars located in
this region of the sky, 25 have their polarization vectors coherently
oriented. This alignment occurs at redshifts z~1-2 suggesting the
presence of correlations in objects or fields on Gpc scales. More
global statistical tests applied to the whole sample of polarized
quasars distributed all over the sky confirm that polarization
vectors are coherently oriented in a few groups of 20-30 quasars.
Some constraints on the phenomenom are also derived. Considering
more particularly the quasars in the selected region of the sky, we
found that their polarization vectors are roughly parallel to the
plane of the Local Supercluster. But the polarization vectors of
objects along the same line of sight at lower redshifts are not
accordingly aligned. We also found that the known correlations between
quasar intrinsic properties and polarization are not destroyed by the
alignment effect. Several possible mechanisms are discussed, but the
interpretation of this orientation effect remains puzzling.
Cosmology - large scale structure of the Universe - Quasars: general -
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