P14 |
February 1998
To be published in:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Line profile variability in the spectrum of the O(f) supergiant
HD 192639+
G. Rauw1and
J.-M. Vreux1
1 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium
+ Based on observations collected at the Observatoire de Haute Provence, France.
We report the results of a medium-resolution spectroscopic investigation
of the O(f) supergiant HD 192639. Particular attention is paid to the
4686 line.
This line displays strong profile variability on time scales of a few
days, changing from a P-Cygni profile with a double-peaked emission
component to a pure blue-shifted emission line. It appears that the
variability of most of the absorption lines present in our spectra is
correlated to the deformation of the He II
4686 line and arises probably from a
large scale structure in the low-velocity part of the stellar wind rather
than from a photospheric phenomenon. We find that the time scale of the
variability could be consistent with the estimated rotational period of
HD 192639.
Line: profiles -- stars: early-type -- stars: mass loss
-- stars: individual: HD192639 -- stars: variables: other
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