P10 |
October 1997
To be published in:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
A dedicated photometric system for the classification of Wolf-Rayet
P. Royer1,*,
J.-M. Vreux1 and
J. Manfroid1,**
1 Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium
* Aspirant FNRS, Belgium
** Directeur de Recherche FNRS, Belgium
+ Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (La Silla, Chile)
We present here tests of a five-filter photometric system aimed at WR
classification. In addition to the well-known easy separation between
the WN and WC spectral types, these tests indicate interesting
potentialities in the discrimination of subgroups amoung the WN and
the WC which look well related to the classical sub-types. The proposed
combinations of filters (or derived ones) bear enough discriminating
power to satisfy some evolutionary studies in crowded fields where
spectroscopic follow-up is not possible
Stars : Wolf-Rayet - Photometry : narrow bands
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